PASER Rating is required by the WisDOT and the deadline is approaching fast. Delmore Consulting can provide the services you need.
Learn more about PASER Ratings and how we can help.

Why Delmore Consulting
Delmore Consulting provides you with the tools to allow your town to accurately manage your largest budget item, with fiscal responsibility. We are able to do this, by creating a manageable and easy to update road database.
This database includes all relevant information needed for proper maintenance. Knowing what you have and what you need are only valuable if you know how to get there…
“Public agencies succeed at providing the best roads for the money when they can base their choice of maintenance and improvement activities that achieve minimum lifecycle cost on good information”.
—Joseph Nestle, Director of the Bureau of State Highway Programs for WisDOT.
—Joseph Nestle, Director of the Bureau of State Highway Programs for WisDOT.